There are many providers affiliated with SoonerCare, and the Oklahoma Health Care Association believes that they are capable of providing quality healthcare to SoonerCare members. It is our belief, however, that with the ever increasing demands on suppliers, this has become an increasingly challenging task.
In order to offer benefits to SoonerCare Choice members who have chronic conditions or who may develop them in the future, as well as to professionals who care for these individuals, the SoonerCare Health Management Program was designed.
A government agency in Oklahoma, Oklahoma Health Care Authority (OKHCA), offers health insurance benefits to SoonerCare (Oklahoma Medicaid) members in the state.
Check Out The Covered Services
- Ambulance
- Outpatient surgical center services
- Behavioral Health Services and Addictions (outpatient)
- chemotherapy and radiotherapy
- Clinical services, including kidney dialysis services
- Dental services (limited to adults)
- Dental prostheses for adults in nursing homes
- Durable medical devices and consumables
- family planning services and supplies
- Federally Licensed Health Center (FQHC) Services.
- Home Care
- inpatient hospital services
- Laboratory and radiology services
- Medical articles and equipment, including items for diabetics
- mental health and addiction services
- Nutritional services
- Outpatient services
- Personal care services
- Medical services, including preventive services
- Podiatry services
- Pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum (maternity) services
- Quit smoking and smoking
- Rural health clinic services
- Pre-authorized transplants
- Transport for health insurance (SoonerRide)
- Tuberculosis services
Additional Services For Children
- Hearing Aids
- Vaccines
- Incontinence care for specific children aged 4 to 20 years
- Inpatient Services for Mental Health Facilities
- Optometric or optical services, including eyewear
- Orthodontics
- Other medically necessary services
- Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy
- Services for speech, hearing and language disorders
The following programs may provide members with additional services or additional limitations to previously covered services.
- Providing treatment for breast and cervical cancers
- Family planning services
- Home and community services authorized under an exemption